Summer 2024 Financial Aid Process

Summer is the final semester of the 2023-2024 school year (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, & Summer 2024) here at SF State. In order to be considered for financial aid for the Summer session, please make sure that you have accomplished the following steps:

  • Completed a 2023-2024 financial aid application (FAFSA or CADAA) and was awarded aid for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters
  • Be enrolled in at least half-time amount (6 units for Undergraduate students / 4 units for Graduate students)
  • Inform our office of total Summer units enrolled in by accessing the "Report Summer Units" link on their Student Center (Refer to the step-by-step guide shown below)

IMPORTANT REMINDER: We highly recommend that students enrolled in BOTH regular university and College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) Summer courses to check in with our CPaGE Financial Aid Counselor to ensure that their CPaGE courses can be covered by their Summer financial aid.

Summer 2024 Disbursement Dates

Date Event
May 29, 2024 - Wednesday Disbursement date
June 3, 2024 - Monday First day of instruction
June 14, 2024 - Friday Census date


Date Event
June 12, 2024 - Wednesday Disbursement date
June 17, 2024 - Monday First day of instruction
July 1, 2024 - Monday Census date
Date Event
July 5, 2024 - Friday Disbursement date
July 8, 2024 - Monday First day of instruction
July 19, 2024 - Friday Census date
  • August 7, 2024 - Wednesday
  • August 14, 2024 - Wednesday

IMPORTANT REMINDER: August 14, 2024 will be the FINAL disbursement date for any unreleased financial aid awards for the 2023-2024 school year (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, & Summer 2024)

Reporting Your Summer Units

SF State Gateway - Report Summer Units (To Do List)
Student Center - Report Summer Units (To Do List)

In order to be awarded financial aid for the Summer semester, students must report the total amount of units they will be enrolled for during the entire Summer session. The link to access that will be available a few days after officially enrolling in Summer courses.

Please refer to the guide provided right below for a step-by-step breakdown on how to report Summer units.

1.) Log on to your SF State Gateway with your SF State Login

2.) Find the Launchpad section of your gateway and click on Student Center

SF State Gateway (Full Picture) - Student Center | Report Summer Units)

3.) Once at the Student Center, go to the Finances section and click on "View Financial Aid"

Student Center - View Financial Aid

4.) Select the aid year "2024"

Student Center - Select Aid Year Section (2024)

5.) Find and click on the "Report Summer Units" link located above the 2023-2024 award amounts

Student Center - Report Summer Units Link

6.) Complete all the sections that are highlighted with the red circle/rectangle:

  • Report total units for the entire Summer semester
  • Click on checkbox in order to confirm the amount of units listed
  • Select "Submit" to finish the process
Student Center - Reporting Total Summer Units

NOTE: Summer 2024 financial aid awards will be posted on the 2023-2024 financial aid awards summary page once it is available on their Student Center. Students who completed these steps will be notified directly through their SF State e-mail when this happens. Please wait until then.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Students who originally reported their Summer units but then added or dropped a class later MUST reach out to our office so that we may update their Summer units for them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Summer financial aid

1.) Log on to your SF State Gateway with your SF State Login

2.) Find the Launchpad section of your gateway and click on Student Center

SF State Gateway - Student Center

3.) Once at the Student Center, go to the Finances section and find the drop down menu tab with a circle arrow

4.) Select the Account Activity option and click on the circle arrow to proceed to the next page

Student Center - Finances (Drop Down Menu)

5.) The Account Activity page will show the following sections of the student's account:

Account Activity Breakdown
Column Description

This section provides the student the breakdown and amount of fees that the University is charging them.


This section is where students can keep track of their financial aid disbursement(s), third party payments, or out of pocket payments.

Refund This section shows the leftover funds being sent to the student after their financial aid disbursement(s).

IMPORTANT NOTE: We highly recommend clicking on the All Terms option and selecting Summer 2024 in order to get the most up to date information with your account.

Student Center - Summer 2024 Disbursement

Your financial aid will disburse when you begin the HALF TIME mark of your Summer sessions - 6 units for Undergraduate students / 4 units for Graduate students). Students who are enrolled in multiple sessions will have their disbursement delayed.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please keep in mind that there is a designated disbursement date based on the session(s) your Summer classes fall under.

Same Session Example:

Undergraduate Student
Class Sessions Disbursement Date

Total: 6 units

  • All units in R1 session
R1 disbursement date

Total: 12 units

  • All units in R2 session
R2 disbursement date
Graduate Student
Class Sessions Disbursement Date

Total: 4 units

  • All units in R4 session
R4 disbursement date

Total: 9 units

  • All units in R3 session
R3 disbursement date

Multiple Sessions Example:

Undergraduate Student
Class Sessions Disbursement Date

Total: 6 units

  • 3 units in R1 session
  • 3 units in R2 session
R2 disbursement date

Total: 9 units

  • 6 units in R4 session
  • 9 units in R3 session

75% disbursement - R4 date

25 % disbursement - R3 date

Total: 12 units

  • 3 units in R1 session
  • 3 units in R2 session
  • 6 units in R3 session

50% disbursement - R2 date

50% disbursement - R3 date

Graduate Student
Class Sessions Disbursement Date

Total: 4 units

  • 3 units in R4 session
  • 1 unit in R3 session
R3 disbursement date

Total: 7 units

  • 3 units in R1 session
  • 4 units in R2 session
R2 disbursement date

1.) Log on to your SF State Gateway with your SF State Login

2.) Find the Launchpad section of your gateway and click on Student Center


SF State Gateway - Student Center

3.) Once at the Student Center, go to the Finances section and click on "View Financial Aid"

Student Center - View Financial Aid

4.) Select the aid year "2024"

Student Center - Select Aid Year Section (2024)

5.) Find the Terms section and you should be able to view your Summer financial aid awards towards the bottom of the page

Student Center - Summer awards screen

There are several types of financial aid available for students interested in enrolling in summer courses:

Summer Financial Aid Awards
Award Type Description
Federal Pell Grant

Year round Pell is available! Undergraduate Students may receive up to 150% of Pell Grant for one academic year.

  • If a student received a Pell Grant during the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 semesters, they may receive an additional semester of it for the Summer as long as they are enrolled in half-time status - 6 units 
  • Any Pell Grant disbursed during Summer will be included in their Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU). The lifetime Pell limit is 6 years or 600%. 

Students who did not receive the maximum amount of Pell during the Fall & Spring semesters (Because they were enrolled in less than 12 units) will be re-offered their remaining Pell eligibility.

State University Grant (SUG)

Undergraduate or Graduate students who were awarded either the Cal Grant B or the SUG itself during the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 semesters could be eligible for SUG in Summer 2024.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this Summer 2024 session, students only need to be enrolled in 1 unit in order to receive the full SUG amount!

Summer Enrollment Grant (SEG)

Undergraduate students who were awarded either the Cal Grant A or the Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) during the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 semesters could be eligible for SEG in Summer 2024.

Half-time enrollment is required to be considered for this Grant - 6 units.

Federal Direct Loans

Undergraduate and Graduate students who did not use the maximum amount of their Subsidized & Unsubsidized Loans during the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 semesters will be re-offered their remaining loan eligibility.

For more information regarding how much a student can borrow in Direct Loans, please click HERE.

PLUS Loans

Parent PLUS Loan - Undergraduate student

Graduate PLUS Loan - Graduate student

Requires a credit check approval for either the Parent or the student themself. There is a separate application for the Summer 2024 semester apart from the Fall 2023/Spring 2024 semesters. The Summer application is now open to apply!

Alternative Loans Requires a credit check approval from a lender outside of SF State. Students must have started the process by late April 2024 or early May 2024 to ensure the Loan will disburse by their designated Summer disbursement date.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Students MUST register for Summer classes and report their total units for the Summer in order to receive a financial aid offer.

Students will be given a designated date on when they may register for their Summer classes as listed in their Student Center. Please visit the Registrar's Office to learn more about registration and important dates/deadlines for the Summer 2024 semester. For a more detailed breakdown of these dates, please click on link provided down below.

When it comes to any fees, paymentsrefunds, or direct deposit inquiries, please contact the Bursar's Office directly. They handle all the processing for those. For more information regarding Summer 2024 tuition & fees, please click on the link provided right below.

Summer Information Sessions

The Office of Student Financial Aid is here to help you understand how the Summer financial aid process works here at SF State! If you are taking any classes for the Summer 2024 semester or may be interested in doing so, you are more than welcome to join us for any of the dates listed below:

Summer 2024 Information Sessions
Date Time Location
April 5, 2024 - Friday 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM Zoom link
April 10, 2024 - Wednesday 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM Zoom link
April 23, 2024 - Tuesday 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM Zoom link
May 9, 2024 - Thursday 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM Zoom link
May 20, 2024 - Monday 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM CANCELLED

Here are the Zoom credentials in case you cannot access the link listed right above:

Meeting ID Passcode

889 0403 3014


If you were not able to attend these sessions but may still have any questions or concerns, please feel free to check out the video recording right below.