Other Programs & Resources

There are numerous additional resources that students can take advantage of here at SF State! From certificate programs, Government funded jobs, and even information to increase one's financial literacy, please feel free to take explore these options and use it for your benefit!


AmeriCorps Awards are available to students who are members of AmeriCorps service programs. These students take part in community service related activities developed by AmeriCorps. If you are a recipient, we want to thank you for making a difference in your community! 

Food+Shelter+Success, SF State's Basic Needs Initiative, supports students’ ability to reach their full potential at SF State by providing food, housing and financial crisis support programs, services, and referrals.

Food+Shelter+Success stands in solidarity with everyone fighting for equality. Equitable access to housing, food, medical care, and education are critical, undeniable, and foundational elements of racial and social justice.

The College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) offers a variety of continuing education courses, academic credit certificates, and professional development certificates to prepare you for career advancement, career change, or personal growth. Some CPaGE programs are financial aid eligible.

The Office of Student Financial Aid recommends the following resources to help you in your financial planning for college:

Through a Department of Education AANAPISI Grant, the Responsive Education for Access, Community, and Hope (REACH) Program, in partnership with the Office for Student Financial Aid (OSFA), is working to create and implement culturally responsive financial literacy programs and curriculum to increase the financial knowledge and capability of SF State students. 

Financial literacy workshops address topics such as: student tuition, navigating financial aid, paying for college, scholarships, money management, savings, work opportunities, understanding credit reports and scores, and more. Our new team of financial literacy coaches are available to speak in-person or online in classrooms, student clubs, or departments across campus. Workshops can be tailored and can be from 10 minutes to 1 hour. We look forward to hearing about your financial literacy needs.

To request a presentation from a REACH Financial Literacy Coach, please click the button below.

iGrad is a personal finance program offered here in at SF State which aims to help students financially prepare for before and after college. For more information regarding this program, please click on the link provided down below.

The Learning Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) is a State-funded Grant program that provides employment for eligible students to help with the cost of education while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. Student eligibility is determined by Office Of Student Financial Aid.

LAEP offers eligible students opportunities to earn money while gaining career-related experience in their fields of study.

The Post-Bac Programs are intended for students that have already earned a bachelor's degree and wish to apply to health professional schools. Students seeking financial aid can only receive federal financial aid for one year (Three continuous semesters), starting when the student joins the program. After that, students can still get financial aid through private loans and scholarships. 

Credential students are considered 5th-year Undergraduate students for financial aid purposes. Students dually enrolled in the Credential and Master's programs are considered Graduate students.

The Graduate College of Education at SF State offers a variety of credential and degree options for students. Financial assistance is different for Credential students as opposed to Master's degree students.