Depending on a student's immigration status, they will receive financial aid through the application they are eligible to complete. Furthermore, they will also be charged the tuition rate that they qualify for based on their California residency or AB540 status. Please refer to the chart listed down below on what financial aid applications students may complete and what tuition rate they qualify for based on their immigration status.

  In State Tuition Financial Aid Application Scholarships Installment Plans

Undocumented and Eligible for AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68

*Includes DACA Recipients

Yes CADAA Yes Yes

Undocumented and NOT Eligible for AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68

*Includes DACA Recipients

No -- Yes Yes
T Visa Holder Yes FAFSA Yes Yes
U Visa Holder and TPS Yes CADAA Yes Yes

U.S. Citizens & Eligible Non-Citizens That Are Eligible for AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68

*Excludes DACA Recipients

Yes FAFSA Yes Yes

If you are still unsure about your eligibility, check out Immigrants Rising Chart that compares the CADAA and FAFSA in more detail. Please be aware that DACA does not give students eligibility to apply for FAFSA or any federal financial aid.

If you filled out the incorrect application, please contact our office either in-person, by phone, or through e-mail (Subject line stating - ATTN: Dream Coordinator) for further information.