Federal Work-Study

What is it?

Federal Work-Study on your financial aid award package means that you can be paid Work-Study funds if you get a job on campus. Work-Study is NOT a Grant or a Loan, nor is it a guarantee of a job. You must actually apply and interview for a Work-Study position. The amount you earn is dependent upon the job you obtain and your award amount. The main advantage of Work-Study employment is that your Work-Study earnings do not count against you as a financial resource on your FAFSA.

Do I need to be enrolled in units to earn Work-Study?

Yes, you must be enrolled at least half-time amount (6 units for Undergraduate students / 4 units for Graduate students).

So how do I get a Work-Study job?

To search for jobs, visit Handshake linked on SF State's Career & Leadership Development (CLD) website. All Work-Study jobs are on campus only.

How does my Work-Study Award disburse?

Work-Study does not disburse like other financial aid. You receive a paycheck every pay period when you report your work hours. The paycheck is your Work-study money. You cannot earn in excess of the award offered, so your employer should be keeping track of your earnings.

A Work-Study employer wants to hire me. What do I do next?

Your employer will assist you with these steps, but here are some helpful links that you will need to complete the hiring process:

I am running out of my Work-Study award. Do I have to stop working?

Yes, but you have options. You may not have to stop working if your employer can pay you out of a different fund (Ex. Student Assistant fund) or if you have room in your financial aid award budget for an increase in your Work-Study award.

To inquire about eligibility for an increase, talk to your employer who can request an increase from the Office of Student Financial Aid.