Americorps Awards

How do I request my AmeriCorps award?

If you have an AmeriCorps Award and are seeking payment for current expenses, you can request your award online from National Service Trust. Log in directly to the My AmeriCorps Portal to request your award: First-time users will be prompted to register via the portal homepage.

What can my AmeriCorps award cover?

AmeriCorps Awards cover the following:

  • Educational expenses
  • Perkins Loan repayment
  • Perkins Loan forbearance

How does my AmeriCorps award disburse?

AmeriCorps awards are received by Financial Aid in two payments: one at the beginning of the term, the other near the mid-point. This means that your award will be provided to you in two equal disbursements. AmeriCorps Awards will be considered as part of your Financial Aid package for the given academic year unless you are a student in a program that is not Financial Aid eligible.

Can AmeriCorps Awards be used to pay for CPaGE courses?

Students enrolled in units through the College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) or Open University do not receive their AmeriCorps award through the Office of Student Financial Aid. Instead, students must submit a paper voucher directly to the CPaGE. Please refer to the instructions as listed HERE. For any other questions regarding this process, please contact CPaGE directly.

About AmeriCorps awards

AmeriCorps Awards are available to students who are members of AmeriCorps service programs. These students take part in community service-related activities developed by AmeriCorps. If you are a recipient, we want to thank you for making a difference in your community! Click here if you want to be involved now!