Alternative Loan Program

Alternative Loans are offered by banks or lending institutions to assist students in bridging the gap between college costs and traditional funding sources. These loans are private supplemental loans and are not guaranteed by the federal government. The terms and conditions of these loans can vary according to specific lender guidelines.

Federal School Code: 001154

Alternative Loan Process FAQs

Alternative loans are credit-based; therefore, your creditworthiness will be evaluated by the lender you choose. You must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program at San Francisco State University. We do not certify loans for students taking courses through Open University or College Of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE). Please contact CPaGE directly to see what options are available to you.

Yes. Unless you are graduating the semester you will be receiving the loan, you are required to be in at least half-time units.

No. You are not required to complete this free government application at, but it is a good idea to explore all federal and state financial aid options first, prior to applying for an Alternative Loan.

If you completed a FAFSA and have been awarded, please accept/decline your award so that your alternative loan amount is correctly certified. If you do not accept/decline your federal aid, this may delay the processing of your alternative loan.

If you have been selected for verification and do not wish to proceed with the verification process, please e-mail:, include your student id number, and state in the email that you do not wish to complete the process.

No. Unlike other types of financial aid, the Alternative Loan is not need-based. However, you cannot borrow more than the cost of attendance, minus other financial aid received.

Unlike other types of financial aid, the Alternative Loan is not need-based. The maximum eligibility is determined by the Cost of Attendance minus any financial aid that the student has been awarded. In some cases, the Alternative Loan can replace all or a portion of the expected resources. If the student is not receiving financial aid of any kind, the student can borrow the full cost of attendance. Please refer to your Offer of Financial Aid for the amount of Alternative Loan that you are eligible to borrow.

In many cases, yes. Many students want peace of mind knowing that they have been pre-approved early in the process. Also, students may have credit issues that must be resolved before final approval. Keep in mind your loan must be disbursed within 180 days from the date the loan was approved, so if you apply too early, you may have to reapply.

It would be beneficial to know that amount before applying so that you know the accurate amount and can budget accordingly. However, the school will determine the maximum amount you are allowed for an Alternative Loan. If you requested an amount that is too high, the school will automatically reduce your requested amount to the maximum amount allowed. This amount is calculated by subtracting any grants, aid, scholarships, Federal Direct Student Loans, and/or other loans awarded to you from the total cost of attendance.

Yes. Most Alternative lenders offer credit preapproval to all students at no cost.

No. Approval for an Alternative Loan does not commit you to take out the loan. If approved, you may contact your lender at any time before disbursement to cancel or reduce the loan request.

The Alternative Loan is disbursed directly to the school. If the loan is a full-year loan, the student will receive one disbursement during the Fall semester and one disbursement during the Spring semester. If the loan is a one-semester loan, the student will receive only one disbursement the semester chosen.

Once the lender sends over the certification to the school, the school will certify the loan within 48-72 hours. After the loan is certified, there is a ten-day Right To Cancel period as indicated on your loan documents; once the period has ended, the school will receive the funds (always on Fridays) and will then disburse the loans on Wednesday's. It is beneficial for you to sign up for direct deposit so that you may receive your funds within 2-5 days from the date of disbursement.

You must contact us via email so that we can cancel the loan and send the funds back. It can take the lender 3-5 weeks for their system to be updated to show that the loan has been canceled. If you do not notify our office to inform us that you will not be attending, you will be responsible for any interest fees incurred.

If you have a credit balance from your Alternative Loan and aren't eligible for other financial aid disbursements, the University will return the excess funds directly to your lender.  This process helps ensure that you're not charged interest on funds you don't need.

If you have an Alternative Loan credit balance and are also eligible for other financial aid, the University will first disburse any other aid you've been awarded.  Then, if a credit remains from the Loan, it will be disbursed to you. At that point, any funds you wish to return to the lender will need to be handled directly between you and your lender.  The University will no longer be involved in the process of returning those specific funds.

Once your Alternative Loan funds have been disbursed to you, any repayments or returns of funds must be handled directly between you and your lender.  The University cannot process returns of funds directly to your lender once they have been disbursed to you.  You should contact your lender as soon as possible to discuss their specific process for returning funds and any potential impact on your Loan terms.