What's Your Situation?

Special Circumstances Petition
NOTE: This petition is for the 2024-2025 school year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, & Summer 2025) here at SF State.
Our income appeal, known in our office as Special Circumstances Petition (SCP), is a financial aid request students and their families may take to communicate with our office about financial or household changes that could not be reflected or explained on the FAFSA.
As a reminder - Only Undergraduate students with a Student Aid Index (SAI) greater than 0 can be considered. Students with an SAI of -1500 or 0 are already being awarded the maximum Pell Grant amount. Unfortunately, AB 540 Dream students and Graduate student cannot submit this petition due to the limited financial aid options available to them.
Before beginning this process, please review the financial situations accepted for this petition as listed down below. Once all the correct documentation is collected, students must submit their income petitions through our DocuSign portal.
- Loss or reduction of income, including but not limited to loss of employment, reduction of pay, death of a parent or spouse, and reduction/loss of child support
- Divorce or separation
- One time only income distributions
- High out of pocket medical and/or dental expenses
- K-12 private school tuition, or tax liens
- Costs associated with a natural disaster
- Changes to assets or inability to liquidate assets;
- Loss of overtime or bonus
- Bankruptcy, foreclosures or collection costs associated with outstanding debt
- Consumer debt (credit cards, car payments, loans, etc.)
- Lottery or gambling winnings or losses
- One-time income used for non-life essential items (e.g., family vacation)
- Parents (step-parents or biological parents) who do not wish to provide support
- Marital separation where the parents are still living together
Unusual Circumstances Appeal
NOTE: This appeal is for the 2024-2025 school year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, & Summer 2025) here at SF State.
A student's dependency status is determined by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). According to DOE, students aged 23 years old or younger are automatically considered as a “Dependent" for financial aid purposes. Students working or living apart from their Parent(s) does not constitute “Independent” status - Regardless whether their Parent(s) support them financially or not.
However, students may submit an appeal to override their dependency status and be considered an independent based on unusual circumstances (Formerly known as "Dependency Override"). As a reminder - This is not a guaranteed process. A designated Financial Aid Counselor will be assigned to your appeal and make the determination whether the override request can be approved.
Before beginning this process, please review the allowed criteria listed down below. Once all the correct documentation is collected, students must submit their appeal through our DocuSign portal.
Students must clearly demonstrate an adverse family situation in order to be considered independent for financial aid purposes:
- Human trafficking
- Legal refugee or asylum status
- Severe parental abandonment or estrangement
- Student or parental incarceration
- Abusive home environment (physical or emotional abuse).
- Student is homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Student is an unaccompanied youth.
Unusual circumstances do not include:
- Parent(s) unwilling to provide information in the student's FAFSA/CADAA
- Parent(s) refusal to contribute to a the student's education costs
- Parent(s) do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes
- Student does not live with parent(s)
- Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency

Budget Appeal
Every student is given a set Cost Of Attendance (COA) for each academic year. However, we understand that there may be situations that where students will need to increase their COA because they need to make room for additional aid towards their educational expenses (Ex. Loans, Scholarships outside of FAFSA/CADAA, Stipends, etc.). The Budget Increase Request is an appeal students may take in order to increase their COA to cover additional educational expenses.
Before beginning this process, please review the criteria accepted for this petition as listed down below. Once all the correct documentation is collected, students must submit their requests through our DocuSign portal.
- Computer purchase (Allowed only once during the student’s academic career)
- Departmental expenses required for major
- Medical or dental expenses
- Mileage
- Child care expenses
- Increase in Housing payments
- Other - Depending on professional judgment used by Financial Aid Counselor reviewing paperwork
- Increase Grant amounts
- Increase Federal Direct Loan amounts
- Paying past due charges for previous semesters
- Paying off credit card debt
- Non educational expenses for personal reasons